duminică, 17 iulie 2011

Esteban Masturini(Interview)

    With a life before, and now with solid experience behind them.So we could summarize the life of Stephen Masturini already intense on stage.   A few days ago, when Buenos Aires was an oven in summer, the actor met RedTeatral young singer, dancer, for an informal chat, where I was from the beginning, and as he did in 2009 musical plays one of the most attention is win: "Move the Nation", the first opera Cumbia Argentina. RT: Well, Esteban Thank you for talking with us, make time to meet. EM: Please thank you ... RT: Esteban, the idea is that this is an informal discussion, if you talk about what someone sees in a script, please ... .. First of all, no doubt is How old are you? EM: advanced only 24 on 30 January. RT: When you started to be on stage? EM: The beginning of a scenario can say I started as a boy in school events. When I finished high school, lost in a dungeon, do not know what to do ... (At one time my head went to psychology course). At that time, however, began to study singing opto, which was what I liked. I had studied music and was a drummer in my band of Heavy Metal. And I began to study also some dancing. RT: So, that only six years ago. From then until now, you and worked in Mexico, Rent and Move in the country now were stars ... You know very few who can say that ... A lot of people still waiting for opportunities like yours? EM: I am very grateful for what happened to me and what I'm going through RT: How did you get in Mexico? EM: In 2006, he traveled to Cancun with my girlfriend and I spent six months working on Solares not Royal. I started to dance, but after you hear me sing and choreograph I liked, so I spent also a cântăreaţă.Atunci when a friend told me about auditions for a musical in Mexico City we send an email to hearing. The song was "Emperors of Antarctica," but did not know what Federal era.Districtul arrived Sunday and Monday, call me and say "Come a hearing, and because we lack a person to speak. And if you stay like us" I was in the supermarket, I remember, but I left and went to see the principal. The entire distribution has been signing contracts and I'm going to audition. In the middle of the song stopped me and told me "you're in" and got a job and, from day to day. RT: In this work, have you done? EM: It was just part of the ensemble. Type "Penguin 28" RT: It was a major production. EM: Yes. The manufacturer was a girl living in Mexico in English is called Michelle.She came up with the idea when I saw the movie "March of the Penguins." And Alex Schabs created work. RT: How long were you in Mexico? EM: In Mexico City, 9 months, plus 6 months in Cancun. RT: And you've become? EM: For rent. Because I said if you do Rentals in Argentina should be. So I got to audition, and how I was cast, had to return to Mexico to get my stuff. I remember asking my mother had borrowed money. RT: Stay in rent and Roger were cap. Have you ever? EM: Just once. And it was a planned feature for Germain has a health oţel.Închirieri got sick at all, but Paul Germain and Sultan. RT: It is a major change to be part of the ensemble to replace one of the protagonists. Did you know her work? EM: I was a fan of the Car so I did what I did to live, not him again, although he had never seen the stage play.Only film and film on YouTube, but it fascinated me. I still go to New York sometime. RT: Rental is very strong. It is quite different from what you do now. EM: The rent is unlike anything RT: Rental experience was good, because besides being a very strong work, is sung from start to finish?. When you make the character of Roger did it cost flights? You were already in a work that needs to sing for two hours? EM: I did not happen. But if I feel I have done previous work it right. Obviously when doing this type of work should take care of ten times, because otherwise you can not stand even a week. Rent In addition, the character is necesar.Un Germain (Tripel), for example, health admire and how they have used the voice of every day was admirable. RT: A technical question: Is it true that the voice is more demanding on the phone in a conversation in person? EM: Yes. There is something physical and unconscious, which makes it different when you talk on the phone. It's something you say all teachers. Speaking on the phone does well, and less in the morning. the topic of health of a singer, you think that is an exaggeration, but remember that there are a guitarist if he breaks the guitar work and replaced; here if you took voice often no turning back. Then, always take more measures. Because the instrument is in you and whatever you do to care for, small. RT: Did you study singing? EM: Right now no, but I studied. Just never too studied. The reality is that we have less to study singing. A more innate singing and has recently begun work on the problem of technology. RT: always ask respondents how they look. You definition as an actor who sings and dances. A singer who dances and acting or dancing acting and singing. EM: In my case, will vary over time. Today I am an actor who sings and danseaza.Nu is what I feel better or worse. It has to do with me today a story. If the story is an actor, after accompanying the singer. But the story is the first loc.RT: Car But despite the story goes, is playing in particular. EM: Yes. In theater, the first thing I think is the story forever. For me, if you're a virtuoso singer transmitís not work if anything. RT: When is rent and had another job in mind?EM: No, only events with a group of RT: How to get Cumbia Opera? EM: It was crazy what happened. I to 15 days after completing Rental I see something to Eliseo Barrionuevo, one of the guys I meet rent and was musical director Gaby Goldman. And he said the day was auditioning for "Opera Cumbia" Valeria Ambrosio call and say "Come back tomorrow." I was at 12 in the theater and 10:30 in the morning was hearing. And I went to add any expectation of anything. When I was renting and I heard about the project. And come to audition without even a hint of Cumbia. He had only reggaeton, which was what I played was the closest thing I had what they required. After he had told me and I was chosen to be black head, which he starred. And that really surprised me. RT: Do you like Cumbia? EM: I think it's a fun style. I danced at a party, but I choose not to listen. RT: Your character in the game or you've built the brand? EM: I always got the possibility of a search. From the guys who are great men, or refrain "Garces". With "I like you." But always free to search. Even so, the studies did not like what came out. Function first appeared only black head. RT: How do you get with partner Natalia Cociuffo in the game? Did you know that they already? MS: Great. I knew only by sight. When I said I was going to stay with her could not believe ... I think she has "a little" more than stage I (laughs) and that helps me a lot. RT: You do not have any other projects? You follow the group of events? EM: Yes. That's my balance. Currently there is no theater is what feeds me. RT: What do you like theater or musical theater traditionally prefer? EM: I like theater, in all its expressions RT: You make text theater? EM: Yes. And I want to do theater text. I think we should avoid being typecast and call you only when you identify cântă.Sau just an actor in musical theater. RT: You are very small: How would you like to be in 10 years ... Do what? MS: At first, I tell you that I like to call for projects, and I say "we would like you Stephen" ... I do not like boredom to me is an audition. I feel they never really give what you can do. On the one hand and on the other hand, I would like to make movies. I am a movie fanatic. RT: What film would you do? EM: My what a character I like is a challenge. And it is a little what happened to me with this work are now. I currently head up black, I felt a little lost. Since more or less done before now, has always been to another profile. RT: In the piece. EM: Yes, it can be. And this character was on the other side. And what I like and I always get when composing a character is easy provocare.Acesta is not a place in the first week you already have character. I do not like. I like to take work that is much higher later. RT: Who would like to thank you for where you are now. EM: First my mother was the one who unconditionally supported me in everything from the beginning. If I had their support would have put me to work at any local clothes. And I could not do what I like. However, she believed in what I did and supported me. So, first of all for them. And teachers who are you in this life. My girlfriend is a foot high table. With it projected a thousand things together as he was heading to Mexico.RT: Well, Stephen ... I leave you with preparations for the show tonight ... Thanks for us, and we are at your disposal for anything you like EM: Thank you, and thanks for taking into account the note.

Un comentariu:

  1. He is very smart and talented. I can tell from his words. i´d love to meet him! One of the things that the city of BA has is that there are shows and plays almost every night of the week. When I was there, I used to go to the theatre all Thursdays. When I decided to rent an apartment in buenos aires I knew it had to be located in downtown, so that all of the theatres in Corrientes St. were close to where I lived. The tickets cost around 100 Argentine pesos. And all artists are great, you will see great quality shows!
